Growing into God’s Mission

Our mission at Trinity is to restore people to unity with God and each other (2 Cor. 5:14-21). We believe that the Christian life is about growing more deeply into our relationship with God, and growing more deeply into our relationships with others. 


Three Ways to Grow at Trinity



Is the very heart of the life and mission of Trinity Episcopal Church. The way we worship provides us a pattern for the way we are to live. Our worship might remind you a little of the liturgy of the Roman Catholic Church. All baptized Christians, regardless of age or denomination, are invited to receive the Body and Blood of Christ in the Episcopal Church. We gather in God’s name, proclaim and respond to the God’s Word, pray for the world and the Church, exchange a sign of peace, prepare God’s table, give thanks, break bread together, and share the gifts of God together. Music is also a treasured part of our worship together, and we have a wonderful little choir. All are welcome and invited.



Is about growing in our discipleship through fellowship and through opportunities for learning. Our vision statement says that we are a “place of learning where disciples are formed.” 


    • Fellowship – We believe that we are formed by the time we spend in fellowship together. We shape and form one another as we form relationships together. We are a church that loves to have fun together. On the first Sunday of each month, for example, we have a First Sunday Potluck Luncheon. We all bring our favorite dishes and enjoy a meal together. 
    • Education – We believe we are also formed by learning together. Christian Education opportunities are offered during the school year for children and adults on Sunday mornings following our 9:30 am Eucharist, and at other times. We have a Bible Study and Reflection every Tuesday evening at 6:30 pm that presents a challenging opportunity for people to learn about God’s word in community. Check the calendar for other opportunities.



Is about serving the church by participating in our many ministries here, but it is also about reaching out beyond our doors to help others. We believe in the incarnation of God, that God became a human being, lived among us, and taught us that by serving others we are in fact serving God. Our faith calls us to reach beyond our doors through programs like smART Reach and Episcopal Community Services. Also by with other organizations in our community like St. Mary Outreach and the St. Mary Parish Council on Aging. We also believe in partnering with other churches like Pharr Chapel United Methodist Church. When we serve others, when we work with others in doing God’s work in the world, we grow and mature in faith.